Knee Replacement Surgery – What to Expect During Recovery?

According to a renowned knee specialist in Mumbai, the recovery and rehabilitation process has a very important role after a total knee replacement surgery. It enables you to get back on your feet and resume an active lifestyle efficiently. Moreover, it improves your chances for long-term success and helps you heal faster.

The recovery and rehabilitation process demands a commitment to the plan and requires you to push yourself to achieve the same. However, the process and experience vary from person to person and it might differ from what you might have expected.

Explore about the recovery process and what you should expect during that time. However, your experience can be different but is a lot similar to the common recovery experiences.

Day 1

The process begins once you wake up from surgery and within 24 hours you will begin standing and walking with the help of an assistive device. A physical therapist will help you in the process and provide exercises to strengthen your muscles. You will learn to move around with the assistive device and perform your daily activities.

Day 2

A knee specialist in Mumbai states that you are expected to increase your activity level by using the assistive device as per the comfort and convenience.

Day 3-10

During one week after the surgery, your activity level would be increased and your knee should be stronger. Medications are changed and your activities and movements have to be increased with reduced dependency on the assistive devices. You will be able to perform your daily activities and increase your range of knee movement.

Week 3

Following discharge after your total knee replacement in Mumbai or anywhere else, you will experience less pain and will be able to move around more freely. You have to rely less on an assistive device and increase engagement in daily exercises.

Week 4 to 6

An improvement in your knee strength and health is seen. It is displayed by increased bending and movement. You will be asked to go on longer works without the help of an assistive device and will work towards regaining your independence.

Week 7 to 11

This is the most crucial period for long-term success and will play a key role in returning to a normal lifestyle. By this time, you are more than half the way of your recovery. You will be able to perform more activities pictures driving, housekeeping and more. Exercises as per your knee strength will be recommended by your physical therapist.

Week 12 to 13 and beyond

Gradual and continuing improvement is experienced. It is important to maintain work properly, ensure regular checkups and follow your physical therapist’s directions. Typically, it takes around a year to heal completely but this time of around 13 weeks has a crucial role in recovering.

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