Managing Chronic Pain at Work

Just about everyone feels pain from time to time, a limb and muscle pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. According to an orthopaedic surgery specialist, a chronic pain affects a person for weeks and months and we will feel that a desk job employee might find it really hard to squeeze in time for recovery and self-care.

Dealing with chronic pain at work is challenging but not impossible, we believe. Focusing on your mind’s energy is the easiest way to feel comfortable at the workplace, where you have to nearly spend 7–8 hours every day. Deep breathing, meditation and muscle relaxation are some of the ways to focus on your mind’s energy.

Let’s have a look at the ways to manage chronic pain at work:

Stretch: Stretching helps to loosen up muscles and joints, relieving pain in the process. You can always take time out of your busy schedule, get up from your chair and stretch your arms and legs for at least five minutes; this will also give you relief from your knee joint pain.

Breathe Deeply: Deep breathing is not only good for your physical well-being, but also something that will help you overcome your mental fatigue which almost every employee faces on a daily basis.

Injury Tip: When an injury first happens, many people assume that a few days of rest and pain relievers will solve their problem. That could very well be the case in some situations, but many injuries and frozen shoulder pain that seem minor can produce long-term complications without medical intervention.

Take Short Breaks: You may be absolutely busy and occupied with your work, but try and move around every thirty minutes or so, even a 1-minute break can work wonders for your mind and body.

Go Outdoors: Try to get out of the office for or after lunch, orthopaedic surgery specialists say that a 10–15 minute outdoor walk can lower your stress levels and keep you charged for the rest of the day’s work.

Distract Yourself: Listening to music is a distraction you can most definitely afford during office hours

Meditate: Your desk chair is obviously the best place for you to sit quietly and meditate, but, if for some reason, you are not allowed to do it at your own personal workspace then you may need to be creative enough to find a quiet place in your 9–5 schedule.

Refreshment Break: Whether you are a tea lover or a coffee lover, this break is a must-have for your mind and soul’s well-being.

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