Viscosupplementation of the Knee

Local Intra-Articular Supplementation:

Local Intra-Articular injections in the Knee are suggested for patients who can't tolerate nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This treatment is helpful for patients with mild Knee Osteoarthritis who need a better Knee function and for patients with advanced Knee Arthritis who hope to prolong the time before needing a Total Joint Replacement.

Normal Knee contains about 2 millilitres of synovial fluid and a Hyaluronic acid concentration of 2.5 to 4.0 milligrams per millilitre. In patients with Osteoarthritis there is reduction of Hyaluronic Acid concentration, thus making the synovial fluid less viscous and sticky. Hence the joint is now more susceptible to injury.

compression bandage over knee

The different types of Intra-Articular injections are:

  • Steroid Depo-Medrol
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Synvisc


These provide temporary relief from pain for about 6 months to 1 year. Not more than 2 injections should be given to a patient.

Complications of Intra-Articular injections are:

  • Superficial Infection
  • Septic Arthritis
  • Charcot's Arthritis