Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis is an inflammation of a group of muscles in the shoulder with an inflammation of the lubrication mechanism called the BURSA. In fact, ‘Bursitis’ should not be considered a diagnosis but rather a symptom of Rotator Cuff Tendonitis.

This condition is often caused by or associated with repetitive overhead activities such as throwing, raking, washing cars or windows and many other types of highly repetitive motions.


Pain, that is worse at night and can be radiated through the arm.
Difficulty in doing overhead activity.
Clicking sound. 


  • USG
  • MRI

Treatment Options:

Conservative Treatment:

  • Stop or markedly decrease the activity that required the use of the Shoulder at or above Shoulder Level.
  • Apply ice to the affected area.
  • Take anti-inflammatory medication to reduce arm and Shoulder Pain.
  • Begin an exercise program to maintain flexibility.
  • Avoid carrying heavy objects with the affected arm or using shoulder strap bags on the affected side.
  • Cortisone injections can be very effective in the treatment of the pain. When used, injections should be taken along with a home exercise program for flexibility and strengthening, modification of activities and application of ice.

Surgical Treatment:

If symptoms persist, surgery to remove a spur on the acromion can increase the space available for the inflamed tendon and may prevent further fraying or complete rupture. Surgery for recurrent Rotator Cuff Tendonitis (Bursitis) is occasionally performed to :

  • Remove a prominence or spur on the undersurface of the acromion.
  • Remove chronically inflamed, thickened and Fibrotic Bursal Tissue.
  • Inspect the tendons and tidy up and sometimes repair a tear in the Tendons.

These procedures are often done in combination. This can be done through an arthroscopic approach with the start of an early rehabilitation program, one or two days after surgery and advancing to a more comprehensive program between two and five weeks after surgery.