During Shoulder Replacement Surgery

In the Operation Theatre:

Orthopaedic Surgery Specialist, Dr. Amyn Rajani prefers to operate early in the morning, hence you will be wheeled into operation theatre at about 7:45 am.

The anesthetist will evaluate you and make you comfortable. After which fluid drips will be started.

Shoulder Replacement Surgery Anesthesia:

A combination of Block and General Anesthesia is used. If the patient is not fit for General Anesthesia, the entire surgery is performed under block anesthesia and sedation.

anaesthesia monitoring machine

Positioning for Shoulder Replacement Surgery:

Beach chair position is the most ideal position for the patient undergoing Shoulder Replacement Surgery.




Surgeon’s Preparation for Shoulder Replacement Surgery:

Before beginning to scrub, the Shoulder Surgeon wears the body exhaust mechanism attached to a battery. This system is then covered with water impermeable hoods, so that no part of the surgeon's body is exposed. This is an international protocol followed by all Joint Replacement Surgeons.

Before beginning to scrub, Shoulder Surgeon, Dr. Amyn Rajani wears the body exhaust mechanism attached to a battery. This system is then covered with water impermeable hoods, so that no part of the surgeon's body is exposed. This is an international protocol followed by all Joint Replacement Surgeons.

After thorough scrubbing the surgeon is helped by the staff nurse to wear the hood gown and gloves. It is mandatory for all the assistants to wear the body exhaust mechanism or space suits and water impermeable gowns.




This will help to expose the Glenoid.
The glenoid is then Prepared


After Glenoid preparation,
Humerus is prepared for the trial insertion.

How is Shoulder Replacement Surgery Done?

Shoulder Replacement Surgery is a big orthopaedic procedure, so you will likely experience some pain during the recovery process, but good rest, balanced diet and regular physiotherapy sessions will work wonders for your operated shoulder.

Risks and Complications of Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Shoulder Replacement surgeries have been highly successful over the years. A number of patients suffering from excruciating shoulder pain and shoulder arthritis have experienced restoration of movement because of Shoulder Replacement Surgery. The complication rate following Shoulder Replacement is extremely low, but still you should know about them.