Scapular Dyskinesis

Abnormal movement of the Shoulder blade (scapula) is known as Scapula Dyskinesis. This occurs in a variety of Shoulder problems. It is an important sign of an underlying Shoulder Disorder and a guide to Shoulder Rehabilitation.


Type 1 - Inferior Medial Scapula border prominence

This becomes more evident in the cocking position of overhead sports. It is often associated with tightness at the anterior side of the Shoulder (in flexibility of the pectoralis major/ minor muscles) and weakness of the lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscles. Posterior tipping of the scapula is responsible for functional narrowing of the subacromial space during the overhead motion, leading to pain in the abduction/externally rotated position. This is often noticed in the early stages of Shoulder Disorders.

Type 2 - Medial border prominence

This pattern is winging of the entire Medial border of the scapula at rest. It becomes more prominent in the cocking position and after repetitive elevation of the upper extremity. It is caused by fatigue of the scapula stabilizing muscles (trapezius and rhomboids).

Type 3 - Superior Medial border prominence

This type of Dyskinesis is displayed as a prominence of the Superior Medial border of the scapula and often associated with impingement and Rotator Cuff Injury.